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Thursday, October 16, 2014


Let me tell you about this super product, Iaso Tea, by Total Life Changes. As everyone else on the earth, I'm always looking for great products to stay healthy, stay fit, and loose a couple pounds even. I've tried all the fab diets, ballerina tea (ouch, cramps central), herbalife (way too costly), and now this, Iaso Tea. Let me start off by saying the cost is significantly less than most of the other products mentioned, I saw real results, and also taste great!

Iaso Tea is a 100% organic tea, that includes 9 essential herbs. Holy Thistle, Blessed Thistle, Malva, Papya, Marsh Mallow, Chamomile, Persimmon leaves, Ginger, and Myrh. Feel free to research these herbs individually to understand the full benefits of each of them.

Some of the added benefits of this tea include everyday illness and conditions, such as, stress reduction, reduce cancer risk, cardiovascular disease, aging, weight control, wrinkles, strengthens bones, can help lower cholesterol, memory, liver health, aids against high blood pressure, protects against food toxicity and poisoning, reduces sugar in the blood, helps aid against cold and flu, can help alleviate asthma, ear infections, and stimulates your total body as a complete detox.

With regular use, along with a healthy diet and exercise you can loose a pound a day or more! The detoxifying properties make this the "miracle tea" its been coined as. I literally felt a difference within my second day of drinking this tea just twice a day. I felt lighter on my feet, much more alert, less sluggish, and overall just awesome!

Total Life Changes also offers many other products for total body wellness. Feel free to check out the website below. Please contact my rep Andrea Grant for questions, orders, or to learn more about becoming a distributor of this awesome product!

Andrea Grant

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