Baby Foot USA - So like every woman in South Florida, I enjoy the luxury of wearing comfy flip flops through the summer months, and pretty much all year around as well. I am a faithful nail spa customer, going about every 3-4 weeks for a pedicure. But, let's be honest, especially in the summer months, pedicures just doesn't seem to be enough to battle the dead skin on our feet, that seems to grow about 10 times faster with pedicures, and not to mention, wearing flip flops does not help!
I went to my local beauty supply in search of a product to relieve this hard, calloused skin I tend to get even between pedicures. The sale rep told me about this product, "Baby Foot", an exfoliating foot peel. I must have asked a million questions, and she answered every single one of them. I was extremely hesitant. How could this sock like foot bootie, worn for one hour, cause your foot to peel dead skin for up to 2 weeks? OK, so the determining factor was of course the cost. A normal pedicure cost me approximately $26. This product was $25, and with my loyalty discount $23, so I gave in.. why not.. I wasn't spending anymore than I would for a pedicure anyway, and if the results did what they claimed to do, this was actually better than a pedicure by far.

So I opened the product to read about the all natural ingredients including Camel Grass, Watercress, Chameleon Plants, Meadowsweet, Soapwort, Sage, Apple, Lemon, Tea Plant, Chamomile, Horsetail Herb, Burdock Root, Bladderwrack, Ivy and Orange. The package included 2 booties, for one time use, filled with a gel like substance, and 4 pieces of tape to tighten the booties around your ankles. These booties are (as instructions read) to be worn for one hour. I was told if I wore a pair of socks with my booties the gel would adsorb into my skin better, so I of course did that too. The gel was slippery to walk in, so I stayed laying down as long as I could. I had no discomfort, until the ending of the hour, I felt a slight tingling sensation. Nothing out of control, but it was right in time as my hour was approaching. So, I then took off the booties, and washed off the gel in warm water and soap as instructed.

About 4 days had passed before I started to see any peeling. I was very anxious, and started to think, "awwww man, they got me! another waste of money". I was sitting in the hair salon wearing flip flops, and my stylist asked, "what happened to your feet." I got super excited and looked down only to realize that the top of my feet had began to peel. It was very minor, but progress none the less. I had hoped to see the results on the bottom of my feet more than anything, but this was a start, and I was super excited to see the beginning. I did experience more dryness than usual. The instructions did state you can use a moisturizer if this happens. I used my regular Palmer's Cocoa Butter, and that served great relief. I also noticed a slight darkening of the skin on the top of my feet. Again, not substantial, and I believe it was due to the skin being so dry, and the process of the peel.

Day 7, and the fun begins! This has to be the most embarrassing foot pic, I've ever posted, but for the love of my followers, LET'S DO IT! So, basically by day 6 or 7, I began to notice a dramatic increase in the amount of peeling on my foot, top and bottom. The instructions say to let it peel naturally and not to pull at it, but let's be real... When your skin is peeling like a snake, you are almost left with no choice but to play with it a little bit. (Insert silly face) So I did pull at some of the pieces, and shockingly a whole layer of skin was indeed peeling off the bottom of my foot, unveiling baby soft, pink soles, that I can't remember ever feeling in my life. I couldn't help but to keep touching and rubbing the parts that had completely peeled because they were so soft. This was certainly no pedicure! I've never seen my feet so pink! As the layers of dead skin peeled off, I realized that literally years of what appeared to be dirt had actually became a part of my skin. GROSS right? I sure thought so.

I never looked at my feet as problematic, especially being a woman who gets regular pedicures. But I must say this product is one that I will buy at least every other month for a nice detoxifying foot peel. I am 100% pleased with my results. If I had to rate this product from 1-10, 10 being top notch, MUST HAVE, BLOGGER FAVORITE, I would honestly rate it at a 15!
With every product review I have to give 1 con... The only con I would give Baby Soft is the fact that you have no idea when your peeling from the detox will start and finish. For some it will start within a day, some 5-7 days, and the peeling can last for 2 weeks. Another thing, after the time I did the initial detox, I had events to go to, and could not conceal the peeling skin quite obviously. However, it was well worth it. Baby Soft USA, you've got a winner in this product! PRGirlAngel Entertainment approved!
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